Posted via email from Joe Murphy Knows Real Estate in Bradenton
Manatee and Sarasota County Real Estate News. Information and articles about the changing market. Posted by Joe Murphy Real Estate Associate with Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate. www.manateemoves.com
Posted via email from Joe Murphy Knows Real Estate in Bradenton
Florida HHF Program: Financial Assistance for Unemployed Homeowners
In February 2010, US Treasury (Treasury) created the “Housing Finance Agency (HFA) Innovation Fund for the Hardest-Hit Housing Markets” (HFA Hardest-Hit Fund). The funds were allocated to 18 states and the District of Columbia to assist in foreclosure prevention efforts. A total of $7.6 billion has been allotted for this fund; Florida’s total award amount is more than $1 billion.
Florida Housing Finance Corporation (Florida Housing) is the administrator of the Florida Hardest-Hit Fund (HHF) program for the state, and was directed by Treasury to use a portion of the funds for a targeted unemployment/underemployment program to provide temporary financial assistance to eligible homeowners.
These programs are as follows:
• Unemployment Mortgage Assistance Program (UMAP)—can provide up to six (6) months of mortgage payments (with a cap of $12,000) paid directly to the mortgage lender to assist unemployed/underemployed borrowers with their first mortgage until they can resume full payments on their own.
• Mortgage Loan Reinstatement Payment (MLRP) Program—can be used to bring a delinquent mortgage current (up to $6,000) for a homeowner who has returned to work or recovered from underemployment/underemployment.
For additional information on the HHF program, visit www.FLHardestHitHelp.org. For information on how financial institutions can sign-up to become a servicer in their area, contact Nicole Gibson, federal loan program administrator, Florida Housing, via e-mail at nicole.gibson@floridahousing.org.
Posted via email from Joe Murphy Knows Real Estate in Bradenton